
Chickens everywhere....even Instagram!

Well hello there stranger! It's great to have a minute to sit down and say hello. It's been incredibly busy here! Between poultry breeding season and a few family issues I almost haven't had time to breathe. We've also had several deaths in our flocks. 4 completely random with no illness....just drop over dead (2 different flocks) & all under 5 years old. Also 1 vent prolapse in yet another flock....a really bad one and I so wish I could have helped her, but the poor girl was suffering so much. The weirdest part of that one was it happened overnight on the roost, not while trying to lay!

Anyway, bad news aside lets talk chicken figurines again! I got a big kick out of a few gifts I got recently. Both are salt and pepper shaker sets, but both completely different. Cute right?

chicken salt & Pepper shakers

In celebration of my recent 100 week anniversary on Instagram, I want to invite you to visit me there. I post daily, mostly chicken pictures but occasionally some gardening stuff too. I've really enjoyed the last almost 2 years and if you're on there I'd like you to join me for some feathery fun!

That's about it for now, I'll be back with new posts very shortly. I hope you and your flock had a great 4th of July and enjoy your long weekend!


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