
The 9 worst mistakes a chicken keeper can make

We all make mistakes in life, and usually you just learn from it and move on. When it comes to chicken keeping mistakes though, some of them can be deadly. There are a lot of small chicken keeping mistakes like running out of feed and having to cook them something, or buying a waterer that's too small and having to fill it constantly. I'm talking about the big mistakes though...the ones chickens don't live through.

Deadly chicken keeping mistakes

I've made several of these mistakes over the many years that I've owned chickens. I've had predators I underestimated, health problems I missed, a coop that wasn't as secure as I thought and a kid that thought making sure all the chickens were in the coop at night was optional. *sigh* 

There is definitely a learning curve to keeping chickens!

A lot of these chicken keeping mistakes are simple to prevent so hopefully exposing my mistakes will prevent your flock from having the same issues!

The worst mistakes chicken keepers make

1) Not predator proofing the coop:  

A sturdy predator proof coop is absolutely essential for backyard chicken flocks. When predator proofing a coop you have to look up, down and right in front of you then ask yourself if a predator can get in?

Can a predator come down from above to get into the run? Are the ventilation holes big enough for anything to fit in? Are there spaces anywhere that a predator can fit through? Are there gaps below or above the door? 

Are the door latches easy enough for an animal to work? Can a predator dig underneath to get into the coop or run? Can the run wire be pried loose easily?  

Many urban chicken keepers don't worry about predator proofing much because they never see predators in their neighborhoods or they think the types of wild animals in the suburbs aren't truly predators. 

It's important to note that raccoons can open door latches, snakes will kill chickens even though they're too big for them to eat, squirrels will eat eggs and even chicks if they get hungry enough and stray dogs will chase chickens down tossing them about like toys until the chicken dies or escapes.

Raccoon in trap, caught in chicken coop

Related reading: How to protect your chickens from stray dogs.

2) Not locking the chickens up before dark: 

Many predators are active around dusk. The waning light gives them a bit of protection from sight while there's still enough light to see what they're doing. It's an especially vulnerable time for the chickens to be outside. 

Many predators can see just fine at night and chickens have notoriously poor eyesight in the dark. 

This definitely tips the scale in favor of the nocturnal predator! By getting the chickens into the coop and shutting the door before dusk, you can prevent sneak attacks from waiting predators.

3) Not counting your chickens at lock up: 

I have a kid that was notorious for this! Sometimes chickens don't go into their coop at bedtime. If they are left outside overnight they have 8+ hours of time with any predator that may be in the area.

Sometimes a chicken may be in a safe spot and be ok through the night, other times they got distracted and just decided to roost on the first close spot when night fell. 

Or the kid may have shut the door before the last chicken wandered in for the night and now she's stuck outside sitting on the ground outside the coop all night. 

The safest place for the chickens to be overnight is in their coop, so a nightly count is essential. We are now in the habit of doing a count each night and if all the chickens aren't in the coop, we grab a flashlight and go hunting for them.  

4) Water hazards near the chicken coop:  

I wrote Chickens Can't Swim, Backyard Water Safety about chickens getting themselves into small ponds, buckets of water, kiddie pools and other wet situations. Once thoroughly wet a chickens feathers become heavy and they cannot keep themselves afloat. 

In the case of tall buckets they may lean in to drink and fall in upside down without enough space to right themselves. It's best to keep chickens away from all deep containers of water to prevent drowning.

5) Keeping the chickens area free from small debris: 

Hardware disease sounds like something that is made up but it's a very real affliction for farm animals. Chickens will eat almost anything including metal pieces like small screws, metal washers, staples, small pieces of wire, metal shavings...ya know, pretty much anything they may possibly find. 

The first problem is that when these sharp objects make their way through the chicken they can puncture the crop, stomach, intestines etc. The second problem is that they start to rust and breakdown which leeches dangerous metals into the chicken poisoning them. 

It's not a true chicken 'disease' but it is an affliction that can kill them.

Related reading: Cases of Hardware Disease in chickens.

Metal screws cause hardware disease

6) Rat poisons, pesticides and herbicides used near the coop:

If you must use rodent, insect and weed prevention methods it's best to use non chemical methods near chickens. Mice can die from the poison and then be eaten by the chickens. Chemical bait that the insect takes back to the nest can be dropped or spilled by the critter then be eaten by your chickens. 

Plants treated with an herbicide can also be eaten by chickens. Try to use non chemical methods whenever possible to keep your chickens safe.

When dealing with a mouse problem I put down snap traps nightly and pick them up in the morning before letting the chickens out. I also like this Magic Mouse Box trap from my Stoney AcresI've had good results with dusting diatomaceous earth on ant hills. 

There are lots of non chemical ways to remove weeds like vinegar, salts, boiling water and just plain pulling them. If you must spray your lawn, keep the chickens confined for several days to allow the chemicals to dissipate before allowing them out. 

7) Mixing chicken sizes in one coop: 

Trying to just toss chickens of various ages and sizes together is a recipe for disaster! When introducing chickens to each other you need to integrate them slowly to keep squabbles to a minimum. 

Size and temperment should also be considered. Standard size chickens can be housed with bantam size chickens safely, but a standard sized rooster can hurt a bantam hen if he attempts to mate her. Keep this in mind when choosing your flock. 

Also be very careful of keeping ducks and chickens together. Male ducks (drakes) may attempt to mate a chicken hen and it will eventually kill her.

8) Trusting a heat lamp in the chicken coop: 

NEVER trust a heat lamp! If a heat lamp breaks loose from it's clamp and falls to the floor of the coop it can set fire to the bedding burning down the entire coop in minutes. For this reason you should never use a heat lamp to heat a chicken coop! 

Heating a chicken coop in winter is completely unnecessary and can be dangerous. 

Dangerous chicken keeping mistakes

For a chick brooder I zip tie my heat lamp to its clamp, as those little screw things that hold the clamp onto the light can come loose. I then zip tie the clamp to the wall also. I also place a screen underneath in on top of the brooder in case in somehow falls, it will not land on the shavings. 

The husband made the's just boards nailed into a frame the size of the brooder with chicken wire stapled to it. It does the job! Or try one of these safer brooder heat options

9) Not checking the chickens for parasites: 

A severe parasite infestation in chickens can cause anemia, weight loss, poor growth, abnormal droppings, poopy feathers which could lead to flystrike, decreased egg production and even death.

Obviously parasite problems don't start off as severe so the idea is to catch and treat infestations when they're still small and manageable. 

Check your chickens often for external parasites like lice and mites which can be acquired from wild birds in the area. Look at their skin between the feathers on their belly, back and under the wings for live bugs. Check around the vent feathers for lice eggs. Add DE and wood ash to the chickens dust bathing area as a preventative.

Worms are a bit trickier to diagnose and treat, but there is a lot of information in: Deworming Chickens. Do You Need To Worry About It? 

Hopefully you won't make these mistakes. The few I have made has been absolutely heartbreaking and I'm hoping that by writing this I will save you from making my mistakes. Related reading: Dealing with the death of a chicken.

Want to know more about raising chickens? Click here for my top posts on chicken keeping!


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I am not a veterinarian or other animal care professional nor do I claim to be. I am simply passing on information that has worked for me and my flock. This information is for entertainment purposes only and is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical condition. Please see a vet if your chicken is ill. Click for my full disclaimer.<


  1. I really appreciate your post. To often I see these new urban areas owners setup like a dog pen. The worst thing my family hates is when I go to the local feed store to by feed. I end up there for 6 to 8 hours helping new chicken owners. Just about a month ago. A lady comes in with two young boys 5and 7 buys chicks and scratch feed. I lost it.

    1. Oh no! I'm glad you were there to educate them! It really is ridiculous that some kind of how to care for chicks pamphlet isn't handed out with new chicks!


    2. Please don't down anyone who uses a kennel as a pen. I use a 10ft X 10ft X10ft dog kennel as my pen. We built nesting boxes and a coop inside and our hens (3) and roos (2) love it - I am actually adding another kennel of that size for our new chicks doubling the size for them. It is lined with chicken wire and half is covered and the other is open top(with wire). Everyone gets closed in at night and free run during the day and I have actually gotten several compliments on my set up.

    3. I have a 10x10x10 kennel fencing in my coop. I also have rodent wire half way up the sides and a 3 foot chicken wire burrow guard around the bottom of it as well as three strands of electric fencing around it attached to a 10 acre charger and a tarp peaked roof over it. The roof is to deter the early morning hawks, the rodent wire and anti-burrow wire to deter the rats and anything small and smart enough to avoid the electric fence by trying to go under and the electric deters the bear/fox/coyotes. At least so far. And the hens are cooped up inside their coop inside the kennel fencing at night. I lost two hens and a rooster to a bear when I first moved to the poconos, I didn't know bear at chickens but now that I do, it's my responsibility to make sure my hens are as protected as I can make them at night and it takes no effort for a bear to go through chicken fencing. Chain link and electric fencing make it too much of a hassle for a bear to just have a quick meal.

    4. I also lost a chicken to a bear! People will tell you they don't eat meat, but I watched it so I know better. Chain link is definitely better for stronger predators. Kennel fencing can work well as long as there is something on top to protect from predators, like your roof. I love your addition of rodent wire! That also keeps things like racoons from reaching in and hurting the chickens! Great job!


    5. Bears are omnivores, not sure why anybody would tell you they don't eat meat. Same with pigs, never put a coop by a pig pen or let your chickens out around their pens.
      My 2 cents worth...I was also told that straw can carry mites,so sawdust is a much better alternative.

    6. also turtles! did you know turtles will eat birds if they get close enough and boy are they quick to snap!

  2. Useful article, not a total novice to keeping chickens but timely reminders help avoid complacency, thanks.

    1. I'm glad that you liked it. Thanks for stopping by Trev!


  3. I have done all these things in my early days of raising chickens. Except catch anything on fire thank goodness!! Lost my favorite hen because I forgot to close the coop. Lost my second favorite hen because I let the chickens out when I wasn't home (won't be doing that again.) I learned from the hawk though and when my husband said he was stalking around the yard again, I put on my mother hen hat and chased everyone back in the coop!

    1. Luckily I haven't caught anything on fire either...but I think in my early days of raising chickens, that was just luck! Good call on chasing them back into the coop. Sometimes that's safer even though they want to be out!


    2. If you have a rooster he will tell the hens to get inside if he sees any danger, even people he does not know. He will sacrifice himself to keep his hens safe. Other problems though if you have a rooster. Hens back losing feathers from their love life and hens going broody more. I finally had to find my rooster a new home because my hens went broody so often. No problem after he was gone. Crowing was not a big problem.

  4. I worked at Tractor Supply for several years, back when the only offered chicks for sale once per year. I would spend my whole day educating new chick owners on how to take care of them. It seems in the impulse and instant gratification world we live in no one does research prior to taking on the welfare of an animal. You need to be prepared to take home 6 little baby chicks. The ones that really drove me nuts just wanted to use them as props for Easter pictures and then their plan was to let them go because "chickens and ducks live in the wild all the time" and my response was "without a mother", then they would usually not buy them but sometimes I could not talk them out of it!

    1. That's really sad that people treat getting an animal so lightly! Awesome of you to take the time and educate them though! The people who work at our TSC are somewhat knowledgeable about chicks. They should really consider adding people like you during chick sale season!

    2. I have to say, I was this person. my family and I showed up with nothing but a box when we bought our chicks.we didn't even have food for the night or next day. but if you were to see us now, I'm sure you'd be proud!

    3. I think a lot of people start like that Eli. I have had a LOT of people come here to buy chicks over the years and ask me what they needed to get at the feed store on their way home! It happened so often that I started to keep printed checklists all ready to go so they could get exactly what they needed. It sounds like your flock is doing great!


    4. We just purchased several chicks this week at TS. I have never owned them myself, but grew up on a farm and have wanted them for quite some time. We were given a flyer at checkout (after we picked out what I researched previously that we needed) and given absolutely zero advice. I really expected them to be more helpful and more knowledgeable. I don’t feel like they should have to answer every question but at least what to do the first day or 2. I am SO thankful for blogs like this and articles like this that I have been able to learn from. Thank you so very much!

  5. One summer, we were on the patio with a couple of my hens who were UNDER the patio table. A hawk swooped down and knocked my husband trying to get under the table to the hens! They are fierce predators! Thank goodness hubby was right there and grabbed the hawk and flung it away. (NOT recommended trying to wrangle a hawk, but those parental instincts kicked in just in time!)

    1. Oh my gosh how scary was that???? Great job on the husbands part, but I wouldn't want to tangle with a hawk!


    2. Just before Xmas, I looked out in our front pasture and there was a young EAGLE on the ground in front of my Muscovy duck and her babies! The mama duck and one of her flock mates were all bowed up in front of the babies, hissing at that eagle. I ran outside and yelled at it and it flew away but wow, what an experience! My Muscovies free range during the day but the mama was going to take on an eagle to protect her babies.

    3. Oh my goodness, that is amazing! I've never seen a duck be that bold when an eagle was around, but then they do get very protective of their babies. So glad they eagle went away empty handed!


  6. I’m a total newbie, and researched quite a bit, but I still bombarded my tractor supply lady with loads of questions! She just new so much! She was really helpful and told me that raising chickens was really much easier than most people on the internet make it out to be and that only a few of the things I was asking her about were necessary. Thanks for all of the helpful warnings! We have 12 , 2-3 week olds and our coop will be finished Saturday. I have wanted to own chickens for about 10 years now! Can’t believe it’s finally happening. A few times I have even woken up in the middle of the night with an anxiety attack feeling like I’m gonna screw it up. Any advice on getting them to let you hold them?

    1. Congratulations on your new flock! That's so exciting! The lady from TSC is right, raising chickens isn't difficult...and you have to remember that blogs like mine tend to go over every possible problem so the answers will be here when you need them. You probably won't need many of them though! I did a poll a few months back and found that many long time chicken keepers have never faced illness or injury in their flocks. So don't worry...your babies will be fine!

      To get the chicks more used to you, spend a lot of time with them and by them and bring treats often. Feed the treats out of your hand. They'll come closer and closer each time till they're sitting on your lap to get to the treats! Have fun with them!


    2. Here is a trick I read about when trying to rescue a feral kitten-take a stick that is not too short,and when you call your hens to you for a treat,touch their backs with the stick! This mimics the rooster mating the hens.After using the stick quite a few times,try using your hand,but move slowly-no sudden movements.
      Treats and patience are key here.Sooner than you think,the hens will let you pick them up.A few might not want that,and that is okay.Like the feral kitten I rescued many years ago,you will be rewarded with
      a forever friend who comes running when you call!

  7. Any advice on how to get your chicks to eat from their feeder and not a flat surface (a plastic lid) on the bottom of the brooder? I cannot get them to eat from their feeder. It's filled with food but they just chirp louder and louder the second the feed is gone from the two plastic lids I have set with food. That was recommended to do to help them get the technique of pecking, which they are doing very well. But they are completely uninterested in the feeder.

    1. Is the feeder maybe too tall for them to reach into? If they have to reach up to get the feed it may be too difficult for them. That can be a problem especially with bantam chicks since they're so tiny. Try switching to a deeper lid for another week or so and then try the feeder again. Maybe they'll catch on when they're a tad bit taller.


  8. Hello, what breed of chickens are those at the top of this page?

    1. Hello! Those are Mille Fleur d'Uccles. They are a Belgium booted bantam and one of the few true bantam breeds. I've been raising them for about 8 years and just love them!


  9. Hello!! All of these Q&A’s are very helpful!! I have been doing some research on raising chickens because my husband and I just bought a 3.5 acre lot in the country and we have made the decision to raise chickens its something that we have always wanted to do, but I want to be fully educated so I can take the best care of my brood when the time comes��

    1. I'm so glad you are enjoying the blog! Good luck with your new flock!


  10. I think it should be some kind of mandatory classes for potential chicken owners prior purchase. A 1-2 hours class at the TSC will help people to learn and realize how easy or difficult it is to raise chickens. Maybe even a test after is a good Idea.

    1. An optional class would help! Most of us chicken bloggers started out because we were constantly answering the same questions and decided to write all the answers down in one place. Thankfully most people find us by search and learn that way, but there should definitely be some starter information given out!


  11. Thanks for your insight and tips. I got and hatched eggs before the henhouse … disaster. All poultry is now in my garage, three different groups (14; 10 and 2), three different ages and three different makeshift pens. Everything (motorbikes, tools, equipment etc...) ALL full of dust. Now that they are a bit older, they ALL get taken out during the day to 'pasture' or free-range. At night - all back to the garage to sleep, after full head-count, fresh food and water. Awesome.
    Frantically now building hen-house accommodation.

  12. What breed is that on the cover?

    1. Those are Mille Fleur d'Uccles. They are a Belgium booted bantam and one of the few truly bantam breeds. They have a great temperament and come in 3 colors.


    2. I enjoy your blog. I have had yard fluffies for the last 7 years. My girls come running when I just open the back door. I use fireplace ashes and DE for my girls and my one rooster for their dust bath. It works really good. I have a Welsh Corgi and she is my chicken dog. Happy, (her name) has taken on 3 chicken hawks and protected the girls. I actually have a picture of her getting a hawk off of a chicken. They are great with chickens, but one thing you have to watch out for with them is when new girls are added to the flock. Happy actually got one of my new hens and hurt her... she did not understand that the new bird belonged to the flock. After a scolding and a sit down with the other new hens ... not another problem. They all get along well, and I feel safer with Happy watching the flock during the day. She has saved my flock many times, I live in the flight zone for the Cooper's hawk and the Red tail hawks.

  13. Useful article, not a total novice to keeping chickens but timely reminders help avoid complacency, thanks.

  14. How is a heat lamp or any heat source unnecessary during the winter? I live in colorado pretty close to the mountains and it gets into the negetive 20s during the winter nights. I had 4 chickens for 4 years before they were killed last summer. We had one in with them during the winter nights and nothing happened. We are getting some chicks this spring though and id love to know how to keep them warm at night safely.

    1. Heat lamps are the number 1 cause of chicken coop and barn fires. They are notoriously unsafe and there are much better options like heated roosts or heat panels that you can get at feed stores. It probably doesn't get lower than -10 here in winter, so I don't have experience with temperatures as low as yours. I do have experience with week long power outages though, and these have all happened in the dead of winter. If the chickens are used to heat when it is suddenly removed like that, the cold will affect them more severely than if they acclimated to it naturally as the weather changed. Like I said though, I don't have -20 temps here, and you might have a more stable electric company then we do so I can understand if you do things differently.

