Keeping your flock disease free at a swap

Due to the recent spread of Avian Influenza (H5N2) I have decided to rewrite this post. Because AI is spread through close contact with infected birds many poultry shows have been cancelled this season, some for the year. Here in Pennsylvania the shows have all been cancelled for the rest of the year because of the very real threat of bird flu. 

Poultry swaps though are a smaller scale and there has been no official word on them as of yet. If you go to a poultry swap, auction or show you probably know about practicing good biosecurity. But did you know that you should be doing the same things if you go to the feed or farm store? 

disease prevention chickens

When you think about it, if someone has an infected flock and drives off their property they carry the disease with them. It's on their shoes, tires and possibly their hands. When they drive onto the parking lot, walk into the store, touch the cart etc etc...they can be spreading the disease. 

Then you come along and drive onto the lot, walk into the store, grab a cart etc etc. You could very well be picking up that disease and taking it home with you! Normally I'm not all fanatical about this but with the recent outbreaks of Avian Influenza you just can't be too careful! Simply washing your hands and rinsing off your shoes and tires can prevent the spread of any bacteria they may have picked up.

Here are the steps I take whenever I attend a poultry swap or show. These are steps that I believe we should all be following to keep our flocks safe. These are 'rules' that I've came up with and stuck to for the last 3 years and they've worked so far....knock wood! lol

Heating a brooder: What are your options?

If I had a dollar for every time I read the words "heat lamp caused fire" I would be one rich woman indeed. The truth is that while heat lamps are common for brooding chicks they are also very dangerous! There are several options to traditional heat lamps and they are just as easy to set up and operate. 

I've tried many different types of chick heat sources over the years and I've spent time compiling the information on heat sources for your brooders to help you make an informed decision. I know we all love our little chickies and really just want them to be safe and grow up happy and healthy. Sometimes things like cost and convenience have to factor into the equation though...and that's where it gets tricky. 

How to heat a chick brooder

In this comparison I will be looking at several brooder heat systems I have used over the years:  
  • traditional heat lamp with red bulb
  • traditional heat lamp with infrared ceramic heat emitter
  • reptile heat lamp and bulbs
  • commercial brooder heat source (aka...Brinsea ecoglow)
I will be looking at cost, convenience, upkeep, flexibility, set up and safety. So...lets get started!

Heating A Chick Brooder